About me
I'm Joost Ramke a 23 years old Design Engineer passionate about building digital experiences that seamlessly blend form and function. At Brainworxx, I'm dedicated to pushing the boundaries of design and development to create innovative solutions that solve real-world problems.

My journey
Everything started behind the camera from my dad, capturing beautiful moments through a lens — something that still brings me joy today.
But I also loved working with computers and discovered my passion for graphic design. Driven by a desire to bring ideas to life, this passion more and more shifted towards web design and more interactive stuff. In 2019 I finally started to code wich opened up a whole new world for me.
I love working at the intersection of design and code. I'm obsessed with carefully crafted components, robust design systems and excellent animations.
For all the nerdy details, feel free to browse my CV.
In addition to everything else, sports play a big role in my life. I love football and have been playing it since I was a kid — around 20 years in several clubs.
I also enjoy trying out new sports like skating, skiing, judo, or archery. Currently, I'm focusing on weightlifting and bodybuilding.